Good news is here!


Some good news!

The library will be reopening to 45 hours a week starting on June 1, 2021.

Our hours will be Monday through Thursday from 11 AM until 7 PM, Friday from 9 AM until 5 M and Saturday from 10 AM until 3 PM. 

Even better is the news that we will finally be launching our state- of- the- art Makerspace!  We had just completed construction and finished buying all of the equipment when Covid struck. But now we can throw our doors open to makers of all kinds. In addition, the talented B.J. Hile, physics teacher at Waynesboro High School will be managing it for us this summer providing training and on-site help for users of all ages.

Every week this summer, we will have programs as well as supervised free time in the space for everyone who wants to come in. There will be great, fun classes such as:

  • Building and programming small robots

  • Designing and printing your own t-shirts

  • Designing and 3D printing toys

  • Designing and 3D printing for practical use

  • Making custom cards and gifts with the Cricut machine

  • Learning basic electronics in order to do things like building your own speakers, wiring LED circuits, motor control, etc.

  • Introduction to animatronics

  • Making vinyl signs

  • Building a night light

  • Creating a marshmallow shooter

  • Building a catapult

  • Making a straw rocket

  • Competing in a marble run

  • Fixing your own small appliances

  • Crocheting, Knitting and cross-stitching

  • Making laser cut coaster

The Makerspace has all kinds of resources for you to use.

  • 3D printers,

  • vinyl cutter,

  • laser cutter,

  • heat press,

  • Cricut machines,

  • new sewing machines,

  • video equipment,

  • yarn,

  • knitting and crocheting supplies,

  • oculus goggles,

  • laptops,

  • tablets,

  • design software,

  • Legos,

  • painting supplies,

  • wooden blocks,

  • small robotic equipment,

  • games,

  • Makey Makey Kits,

  • Lincoln Logs,

  • cubelets,

  • snap circuits and MORE!

We want to see this beautiful, free space BUSY!

It’s been a long wait and our hope is that everyone in Waynesboro who has a hobby or a prototype for a business or just wants to learn how to use all of these wonderful tools or simply repair a toaster (!) and have fun in a no pressure environment, will join us.

Thursdays from 3:30-6:30 will be Teen Night and Adult Time will be Wednesdays starting with a class at 1 PM. Additionally Saturdays will offer the opportunity for adults to stop in for repair time.

The whole library is available for use. If the knitters or other crafters want to sit quietly by themselves, the Community Room is available as is the Second Floor Meeting Room or the Rare Books Room and the Nora Roberts Reading Room. If the kids’ programs want to use the Kid’s Room to work, that’s fine too. And of course, the back courtyard is also available and has free wi-fi as well.

As the summer progresses we expect people to have requests for other equipment. We welcome any requests and suggestions and will bring in whatever we can afford.

The idea is to be a community center for Waynesboro and to provide education and opportunities through DOING as well as reading.

Please visit our website atwww.ahmfl.orgfor class times and to sign up. You can also call us at (717) 762-3335.

Protocol at the library:

  • Masks will be required in all common areas.

  • We strongly encourage those who are not vaccinated to continue wearing a face covering and physically distance. While we are not in a position to know who has and hasn’t been vaccinated, there’s no better time to take care of our neighbors.

We will make every effort to enforce the wishes of parents who request that their children wear masks in these settings.

When spectating a youth indoor activity, we are asking adults to continue to wear masks.

For the immediate future, as we are assessing the data and options, all library Staff are required to wear masks while working indoors, or outside, at library facilities and programs.

The library is strongly committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone who accesses our programs and facilities. This is now and always will be our number one priority. Throughout the pandemic we have worked very hard to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, balancing health and safety concerns while also trying to provide a satisfying experience for all.

Please Note:

  • Library Staff will respectfully insist that all health and safety practices are followed at all times. Please be respectful as they do their job to ensure all staff and patrons remain safe.

  • The library will adjust policies based on local and state environmental indicators and metrics, as well as local jurisdiction, state mandates, the CDC.

Gina Vitale