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Walking Librarian Sunflower Photo Contest

  • Alexander Hamilton Memorial Free Library 45 East Main Street Waynesboro, PA, 17268 United States (map)

Take a trip to Franklin County's sunflower fields located near New Franklin, PA . Entrance to the field is off Springview Drive (GPS: 2771 Springview Drive, Chambersburg, PA).

Take a walk and take some pictures. (NOTE: Peak bloom is expected over Labor Day weekend.) Post 1 or 2 of your favorite pictures as a comment to this post on the library’s Facebook page.

If you do not do Facebook, and want to submit 1 or 2 pictures, email your picture(s) to and they will be added to our page.

All who post or send pictures will be entered into a prize drawing for a gift card. We hope to have our page flooded with pictures. That tells us that you are getting out into the fresh air and taking a walk!