Join us for various STEAM projects!
(Science Technology Engineering Arts Math)
Summer Guest Teacher: Julie Diaz
June 7—Starry Night Turbulence—What is hiding in one of the world’s most recognizable paintings? Join us while we explore turbulence and its role in the van Gogh masterpiece. Paint your own version of Starry Night in this MakerSpace workshop. Sign up here.
July 5—Hydraulics—Investigate the technology and applied science of hydraulics. We will use engineering, chemistry, and architectural principles to investigate the use of liquids in mechanical applications. Discover their advantages and limitations as we construct models to meet this challenge. Sign up here.
August 2—Siege Engines Challenge—Head back in time as we examine how medieval innovations used the principle of simple machines to breach defenses and change society. You will make your own catapult and use it, with other siege engines, to “storm the castle.” Sign up here.
Registration is Required for all projects! Please sign up at on the Programming Calendar.